T22: Theory and Practice of Digital Storytelling

Tuesday, 17 July 2018, 13:30 – 17:30


David M. Kaufman (short bio)

Simon Fraser University, Canada

Simone Hausknecht (short bio)

Simon Fraser University, Canada



The goal of this tutorial is to introduce participants to the theory and practice of digital storytelling with diverse audiences. 
By the completion of this tutorial, participants should be able to do the following: 

  • Discuss the theory, elements and rationale for using digital storytelling for a variety of purposes
  • Discuss the barriers and various ways to overcome these
  • Begin to use WeVideo software to create their stories
  • Design and evaluate a digital storytelling course/workshop


Content and Benefits:

Digital storytelling enhances the art of telling stories by using technology to incorporate  elements such as text, images, music, narration, sound effects, and videos into a narrative about the storyteller’s personal experience. Digital storytelling courses/workshops are a form of communication with others that can be used to increase social connectedness and learning. This can help reduce loneliness for older adults’ health, support reflective practice in professional education, and enhance media learning in schools. This tutorial will be highly interactive and will benefit novices as well as experienced participants.

Topics will include:

  • Background, theory and rationale
  • Digital Storytelling course/workshop models and digital story genres
  • Examples of digital stories with evaluation form / Debrief
  • Introduction to WeVideo software – demonstration and practice
  • Evaluation of a digital story course
  • Some of our evaluation results
  • Resources for further learnin


Target Audience:

This tutorial is suitable for anyone wishing to learn about digital storytelling and how to present a course/workshop on this topic. Although the background, theory and rationale will be addressed, a strong emphasis will be placed on practical implementation issues in various settings.

Bio Sketches of Presenters:

David M. Kaufman, M. Eng., Ed. D.
David Kaufman has been a faculty member at Concordia, Saint Mary's, Dalhousie and Simon Fraser Universities, in the fields of Engineering, Computer Science, and Education. He served as Director of Course Design for the BC Open Learning Agency, and Professor and Director of the Medical Education Unit in Dalhousie's Faculty of Medicine. He is the 1998 recipient of Dalhousie University’s Instructional Leadership Award. Dr. Kaufman has presented more than 200 lectures and workshops at universities in North America, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and South America. He has published extensively with approximately 120 published articles and three books to his credit, serves as a reviewer for many journals, granting agencies and professional associations, and has received more than $4 million in grants and contracts during his career. From 2001 to 2008, he served as Director, Learning & Instructional Development Centre at Simon Fraser University and currently is a Professor in the Faculty of Education. His current research is investigating digital games and digital storytelling for older adults and intergenerational teams. His team is funded over five years by the AGE-WELL National Centre of Excellence.

Simone Hausknecht, BA, MA, PhD (candidate)
Simone Hausknecht is a PhD candidate in Educational Technology and Learning Design at Simon Fraser University. Her research focus is on using digital storytelling and games with older adults and intergenerational groups for social connectedness, life-long learning, and legacy. Simone has been actively involved in numerous community based research projects related to technology and ageing, including having an extensive role in the design, implementation, and assessment of digital storytelling courses/workshops for older adults (wisdom stories), digital storytelling for creating legacies (legacy stories), and using digital stories to preserve knowledge through an intergenerational collaboration between youth and elders in a First Nations community in Northern BC.